React 19 will be compiled

You can forget about memoization

React 19 will be compiled
14 minutes by Brad Westfall

Or maybe 20. Whatever the version, I hope this post helps anyone who feels confused about what it means for React to become "compiled". I'll try to show examples and historical context for how we got to this point because it has been a heavily discussed topic and is sometimes hard to follow along, especially if you haven't seen the whole story of React play out.

Ready to take full advantage of Next.js while using KendoReact’s professionally designed UI component library? It’s a snap—see for yourself.

Avoiding hydration mismatches can usually be done in two ways - suppressing the warning or spawning an effect. But is there a third option ... ?

Explore 3 use cases for working with the React Intersection Observer: lazy loading, infinite scrolling, and animation/transition triggers.

React Trends in 2024
11 minutes by Robin Wieruch

I trust you share my enthusiasm as we embark on the journey into 2024, embracing the exciting trends in web dev. With a prevailing focus on performance, it is evident that we are moving towards a future coined by remarkable user experiences in the browser.

Controlled and uncontrolled components are fundamental concepts in React. This post explains the differences between the two and provides guidelines for choosing the right approach for various scenarios in React applications. We'll also explore how to transition between the two types of components and provide code examples to illustrate the concepts.

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