How to Style a React Application

Once the logic and the components are ready and functional, making them look pretty is straightforward, right? Right?

How to Style a React Application
26 minutes by Alex Kondov

Once the logic and the components are ready and functional, making them look pretty is straightforward, right? Right?

With 500,000 daily users and 24k stars, React-admin is the leading open-source framework for single-page apps (ERPs, Admins, B2B apps). Compatible with Vite, Next & Remix, it builds upon acclaimed libraries like react-hook-form, react-query, react-router & material-ui. Backend agnostic & with 200+ components, it elevates your development while ensuring a top-notch user experience. Give it a try!

Improving our Jest execution time by 300%
6 minutes by Cameron G. Gould

It’s worth investing in learning your libaries from the start. Writing tests slightly incorrectly will have a snowball effect later on, which can significantly slow down your ability to iterate.

CSS in React Server Components
20 minutes by Josh W. Comeau

In this blog post, we’re going to explore the compatibility issues between React Server Components and CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components. You’ll understand what the issue is, what the options are, and what’s on the horizon.

Zustand and React Context
6 minutes by T. K. Dodo

Zustand stores a global and don't need React Context – but sometimes, it makes sense to combine them regardless.

Next.js 14.2
8 minutes by Delba de Oliveira and Tim Neutkens

Next.js 14.2 includes development, production, and caching improvements. Including new configuration options, 99% Turbopack tests passing, and more.

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